Archive for the ‘Ancient Greece’ Category


The Lost City Of Atlantis

September 25, 2008

Aspects of Sparta

September 18, 2008

The Spartans had a very well-ordered, disciplined society. The government consisted of two kings an a council of elders, whom advised the monarchs. An assembly approved all major decisions. This theatre of ancient Spartaassembly was made up of all Spartan citizens. To be a citizen, you must have been a Native-born Sparta over the age of thirty. This assembly elected five ephors, or officials, whom held the real power and ran day-to-day affairs.

Even though the government was powerful, the army was stronger. Spartans lived their lives preparing for military. It was suggested that “Spartans were willing to die for their city because they had no reason to live”. At the age of seven, boys would be taken to live in barracks where they would spend about sixty years of their lives. These kids were toughened by hard exercise, a harsh diet, & tougn discipline. The boys were encouraged to steal food but if caught would pay the price by being brutally beaten. When the kids became young men, they were able to marry but had to stay in the barracks until they were thirty. After then, they were able to live outside of the barracks; however, they still had to eat there for forty more years.

Because men spent most of their lives in barracks, women had the responsibility of the household. They had the right to own property. Though they held the household responsibilities, women still had to obey their father and husband. Unlike other Greeks, the Spartan women exercised. Women were expected to be healthy to produce healthy babies. Sick babies were left abandoned to die.

Spartans were isolated from other Greeks. The Spartans did not trade and looked down upon being wealthy. The government forbid traveling, which I think was because of becoming traitors. The Spartans were not like the Egyptians or Mesopatamians in the sense that they had little use other ideas or arts. Other civilizations around Sparta admired their military skills and how powerful it was; however, they did not try to imitate it.


The Aspects of Athens

September 17, 2008

Athens government changed from a monarchy to an aristocracy. Under aristocracy Athens wealth and power grew, but when problems occured Athens slowly started moving towards democracy.Solon was made archen in 594 B.C. Athenians gave Solon a free hand to make reforms. He outlawed debt slavery and freed slaves in debt. Solon also introduced economic reforms.

An Athenian tyrant named Pisistratus gained power in 546 B.C. He helped farmers by giving them loans and land, and he gave jobs to the poor. In 507 B.C. Cleisthenes set up the “Council of 500”. Teh council prepared laws for the assembly and supervised day-to-day work of the government. Cleisthens made the assembly a legislature. All male citizens over the age of 30 were members of the assembly. Athenian democracy was limited, only male citizens could participate in the government.

In Athens women had no share in public life. Aristole saw women as imperfect beings that lack the ability to reason. In Athenian homes women lived a secluded exsistance. They managed the entire house, and poorer women worked outside the homes.

Unlike girls, that recieved little education, boys went to school if their family could afford it. Other than learning to read and write they had to learn music and poetry. They had to learn to become skilled public speakers since they would have to voice their views. Young men also recieved military training they would explore many areas of knowledge.